We chat with the comic creator about his latest work and why he needed to add a little shine to personal history.

Welcome to our Creator Corner, our new reoccurring interview series, where we chat with the coolest and most thought-provoking creators in the comics industry. In this entry, we're conversing with I.N.J. Culbard about Salamandre. Listen to the unedited audio HERE.
We're getting real vulnerable in the Love Nest this week, discussing personal and artistic history with comic creator I.N.J. Culbard. His new graphic novel Salamandre is a profoundly introspective work, an inspiring interior inspection with a slight fantastical wash atop it. Sometimes it's easier to understand your past through creation, and sometimes its easier to understand your past through the consumption of someone else's creation.
Salamandre examines a real-life moment from I.N.J. Culbard's life, but adjusted faintly to achieve distance and reflection. The young title character is suffering from a tragic loss. He's an artist who's lost his drive, but rediscovers it when his mother ships him off to his grandfather, who lives on the other side of the Iron Veil. Behind its oppressive curtain, "flowers are contraband, music is illegal, and art is created in hiding."
We chat with I.N.J Culbard about working beyond your vulnerabilities, facing your darkest moments under the bright light of creation, and finding peace with a pen or brush in your hand. The conversation is a tremendously giving one, and we're so thankful I.N.J Culbard was willing to go there with us. We hope you take as much from it as we did.
Please, make sure to read Salamandre before putting your Best Comics of 2022 lists together. It deserves your attention and consideration. It's currently available through Berger Books and Dark Horse Comics.
If you're so compelled to do so after suffering through Brad's introduction, please give the latest episode of The B&B Show a listen (CLICK HERE). The public access movie review show is a dream come true for Brad and his buddy Bryan, but it ignites some serious squidgies.
Don't forget! We're screening Howard the Duck on the big screen at the Alamo Drafthouse in Winchester, Virginia. Done in collaboration with the Four Color Fantasiescomic book shop. Get your tickets HERE.
And, of course, follow Comic Book Couples Counseling on Facebook, on Instagram, and on Twitter @CBCCPodcast, and you can follow hosts Brad Gullickson @MouthDork & Lisa Gullickson @sidewalksiren.
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Podcast logo by Aaron Prescott @acoolhandfluke, podcast banner art by @Karen_XmenFan.